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Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, is also venerated as a manifestation of God in Hinduism and the Bahá'í faith. Some Hindu texts regard Buddha as an avatar of the god Vishnu, who came to Earth to delude beings away from the Vedic religion. He is also regarded as a prophet by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
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five precepts
1) I undertake the training-precept to abstain from onslaught on breathing beings
2) I undertake the rule to abstain from taking what is not given.
3) I undertake the rule to abstain from sexual misconduct.
4) I undertake the rule to abstain from false speech.
5) I undertake the rule to abstain from taking intoxicants that cloud the mind.

buddhist festivals 
Aluth Sahal Mangallaya
The Aluth Sahal Mangalle or the New Rice Festival is a harvest festival of the Maha kannaya in Sri Lanka. The first batch of new rice after being plucked, threshed and winnowed is offered to the Lord Buddha and deities.
Every January Poya Day, new rice festival commences. Rice and paddy donated to Temple of the Tooth are stored at Kundasale Pallekele in a separate location allocation and distribution of Rice and paddy to Devales relevant, is done. A traditional procession takes place from the Palace to Kundasale headed by Diyawadaered to the sacred tooth relic.
Only after the new rice festival at the Sri Dalada Maligawa and offering rice to the sacred tooth relic, can the farmers around the country collect their harvest and commence their own new rice festivals in the respective villages.
The most important new rice festival that happens afterwards is the Aluth Sahal Mangalle at the Sri Maha Bodhi in Anuradhapura.
This festival was started by a king called Sri weera parakrama narendrasinghe in 1707. Diyawadana Nilame does the main part in this festival. This is about the first harvest in paddy situated in kundasale. Diyawadana nilame and the rest of the people got Kundasale with perahara and take the harvest and come back to the temple of tooth relic. This is done in nice fashion always, according to the tradition these traditions are done in much respect, for tooth relic of Lord Buddha. A man called Nakath Mohottala also does a main part in this festival. He prepares an agenda called 'Nakth pathraya' and whole things were done on it


Buddha Purnima

The birth of Gautama Buddha is believed to be the ninth avatar i.e. reincarnation of the Hindu deity Lord Vishnu. Buddha Purnima is celebrated on a   fool moon day commemorating the three most important events that occurred in his life on the same day. As per legends Buddha was a born a fool moon day in the month of Vaisak, which is April / May (Know Weather Condition in April in India) as per the Gregorian calendar system. In his lifetime he also attained niravana, i.e. enlightenment on the very same day and subsequently passed away from his earthly vessel on the same day. The Buddha Purnima (or Buddha Jayanti) is celebrated as this day and is the most significant festival celebrated by Buddhists all around the world. The day is also called as Vesak or Vesakha

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Almost similar to the beliefs behind Halloween the popular American festival, this popular Buddhist festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the 7th month of the lunar calendar. It is also called as the Ghost festival as the Buddhists believe that the “gates of Hell” open on this day and the souls of the dead come to visit their loved ones. Food is offered to the spirits of the dead and to other hungry souls in order to bring in good luck and fortune for the year.
The word Ullambana is a transliteration of the Sanskrit with similar meaning of “deliverance from suffering”. It refers to the salvation redeemed by the souls that are tormented in Hell and is related to the concept of filial piety. Buddhists all around the world offer food and prayers to both their departed forefathers as well as to their living parents and elders.

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It is one of the largest festivals for Tibetan Buddhists and is also celebrated in India with much grandeur. People adorn themselves in new clothes and visit their relatives to make merry. They offer prayers to temples and seek blessings for good health and harmony. One of the most prominent parts of this festival is the enchanting Cham Dance performed by the monks at the various Buddhist monastries. The dance symbolises the victory of good over evil. Losar festival marks the beginning of a new year for Tibetans.
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Magha Puja Day

The full moon day (Purnima) of the third lunar month i.e. March (weather in march) is celebrated as the Magha Puja day. This day commemorates the important event in the life of Buddha, which is the fourfold assembly. It is the historic day when 1250 Buddhists spontaneously came together to pray and pay their respects to Lord Buddha.
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Asalha Puja Day

This festival is celebrated on the full moon day of the 8th lunar month (in July). It commemorates the day when Buddha offered his first teaching. It is also refered to as the Dharma Day. It is the day when Buddha gave is first teaching on the five ascetics at the deer park near the holy city of Benares in India – Sarnath. The Dharma Day is usually celebrated with readings from the Buddhist scriptures and gives the chance to reflect on them.
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These are four holy days celebrated each month. They are celebrated during the new moons, full moons, and quarter moons. These are fasting days for the Buddhists, they usually refrain from eating anything on these days

Rumtek Chaam

The Rumtek Monastery which also known as the Dhamrachakra Centre is a prominent Buddhist monastery located in Sikkim. It is presently a point of secratrian tension owing to the Karmapa controversy which is a part of the Karmapa Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. This day is celebrated by Buddhists in Sikkim who offer prayer and pay respects to the Guru Rimpoche or Guru Padmasambhava, he is believed to be the monk who presented Buddhism in Sikkim through the Himalayas in the 8th Century. The Tse tu Chaam move depicts the eight appearances of Guru Padmasambhava.
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Hemis Festival

The Hemis Monastery is located in Hemis, Ladakh, India. The monastery belongs to the Drukpa Lineage. It is celebrated annually on the 10th day of the Tse-Chu, Lunar month of the Tibetan Calendar and also celebrates the birth of Guru Padmasambhava. The festival is celebrated with beautiful decorations all over the town and on the Hemis monastery; the natives also dress in traditional attires that are vibrant and colorful. Lamas dance around the flagpole of the courtyard at the Hemis monastery to the beats of drums, cymbals and long horns. The infamous masked dance called Chaam dance is also performed during the celebrations.
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Pavarana Day

This festival is celebrated on the Aashvin full moon of the lunar month, which marks the end of the three lunar moons of Vassa which is also called as Buddhist lent. On this day of the festival each monk must come to the community i.e. Sangha and atone for a sin or offence they may have committed during the rainy months of Vassa. It is now a tradition that marks the end of rains.
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Lumbini Festival

The Lumbini festival is an annual celebration that takes place in the state of Andhra Pradesh to celebrate the heritage of Buddhism in the state. It is celebrated at Nagarjunasagar in Hyderabad. It recollects the past of the state looking back 2000 years when the state enjoyed a thriving Buddhist community and culture with deep spirituality. It is celebrated to observe the significance the religion had on the state and is organized by the Department of Tourism of the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
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Buddha Quotes on Love

“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.” – Buddha

“As rain falls equally on the just and the unjust, do not burden your heart with judgments but rain your kindness equally on all.” – Buddha

“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha

“Hatred does not cease through hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through love. This is an unalterable law.” – Buddha

“Love the whole world as a mother loves her only child.” – Buddha
“There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills.” – Buddha

“Radiate boundless love towards the entire world — above, below, and across — unhindered, without ill will, without enmity.” – Buddha

“Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.” – Buddha

“If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.” – Buddha

“Radiate boundless love towards the entire world.” – Buddha

“Just as a mother would protect her only child with her life, even so let one cultivate a boundless love towards all beings.” – Buddha

“Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.” – Buddha

Buddha Quotes on Happiness

“Happiness is a journey, not a destination.” – Buddha

“To be angry is to let others’ mistakes punish yourself.” – Buddha

“Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others.” – Buddha

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” – Buddha

“If you are quiet enough, you will hear the flow of the universe. You will feel its rhythm. Go with this flow. Happiness lies ahead. Meditation is key.” – Buddha

“Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression. We experience joy in forming the intention to be generous. We experience joy in the actual act of giving something. And we experience joy in remembering the fact that we have given.” – Buddha

“There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path.” – Buddha

“Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.” – Buddha

“Be vigilant; guard your mind against negative thoughts.” – Buddha

Buddha Quotes on Life

“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.” – Buddha

“Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.” – Buddha

“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” – Buddha

“To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.” – Buddha

“The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.” – Buddha

“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.” – Buddha

“One moment can change a day, one day can change a life and one life can change the world.” – Buddha

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” – Buddha

Buddha Quotes on Health

“To keep the body in good health is a duty; otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” – Buddha

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” – Buddha

“To keep the body in good health is a duty; otherwise, we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” – Buddha
